/ Transportation Services

Vehicle Usage Policy

Qualified ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ employees and students have several options for meeting their business and/or educational transportation needs.

These options include: the use of a ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ motor pool vehicle, a commercial rental vehicle or personal vehicle. No matter which option is selected, students and personnel will be required to adhere to Hope’s Vehicle Usage Policy.

In order to drive a College vehicle, you must become an Authorized ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ Driver.

  • Read and sign ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ Vehicle Usage form
  • Complete and submit - Driver Information form
  • Students – Successfully perform driving test*
    * (after MV driving record is checked)

Authorization is valid for one year; after that year, if you are required to drive a College vehicle your driving status must be verified and a new authorization card will be issued.

¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ employees, officers, and agents are provided with automobile insurance protection while using a College vehicle or renting a vehicle from a rental company while on College business. Authorized students are provided with insurance coverage for using vehicles for educational purposes. The department’s supervisor or student advisors involved with this travel, in conjunction with the Director of Campus Safety, Transportation department manager and College Insurance personnel, have the responsibility to monitor the use of the vehicle so as to minimize risks and for safety purposes. This exposure can, most effectively, be controlled through the driver approval and authorization process. Vehicle use entails a wide variety of issues including injury, property damage, and worker’s compensation. Therefore, the exposures created by this driving must be controlled since the losses can be extreme. The issues in this Vehicle Use Policy include: driver authorization; vehicle restrictions; drivers with out-of-state driver’s licenses; driving in other states; international drivers and vehicle use in Canada; the use of personal vehicles for College business and accident reporting.


  1. Components of ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ Driver Safety Program
  2. Driver Authorization
  3. Vehicle Restrictions
  4. Vehicle Use
  5. Approval of Sponsored Events both On and Off College Property
  6. Revocation of Authorization to Use College Vehicles
  7. Drivers with Out-of-State Driver’s Licenses
  8. Driving ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ Vehicles in Other States
  9. International Faculty, Staff and Students
  10. Use of College Vehicle for College Business
  11. Passengers in College Vehicles
  12. Accident Reporting

I. Components of ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ Student Driver Program

The ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ Vehicle Use Policy shall be followed by all drivers and shall form the basis for Hope’s Student Driver Program. Students who have completed the Student Driver Program and who have been authorized by their supervisor shall operate vehicles on College business. The Student Driver Program applies to all student drivers on College business using leased or rented vehicles, and College vehicles.

II. Driver Authorization

The purpose of this section is to provide driving requirements necessary for an employee, student, or volunteer to be authorized to use a Hope vehicle or lease a vehicle while on College business or for student educational purposes. These regulations will give ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ the ability to evaluate and authorize drivers with the goal of assuring driver safety. This policy applies to anyone driving on College business, including times when the College rents or leases vehicles. Use of ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ vehicles is limited to ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ drivers with a valid driver’s license and two years of licensed driving experience with an acceptable driving record. Drivers must be at least 18 years of age to use Hope vehicles or lease vehicles. Exceptions may be made for College students and other agents of the College when their use is deemed to be in the interest of the College. However, any exception must be approved either by the Director of Campus Safety or the Director of Operations of the College. ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ requires that drivers are subject to the same criteria as students and volunteers. If supervisors are aware of any driver with health or related physical problems that may affect driving safety, authorization should be denied to this individual. It is the responsibility of the Director of Campus Safety to monitor the ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ driver’s use of vehicles as abiding by this vehicle policy. It is a requirement that all drivers must sign a Vehicle-Use Agreement Form which signifies that the driver has read and understands Hope’s Vehicle-Use Policy. The Driver Information Form also contains space for the driver’s license number and it informs the driver of the obligation to reveal any changes in the status of their license. This information allows the College to check the individual’s driving record and, based on their record, determine if they can be authorized to use or lease a vehicle.

Before A Vehicle Can Be Used By Any ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ Driver The Following Is Required:

  1. The Vehicle-Use Agreement form must be completed before a decision will be made on authorization of vehicle use.
  2. ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ drivers will only be authorized to use ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ vehicles or lease a vehicle while they are on College business. Automobile insurance will be provided to vehicle drivers on authorized business or student authorized trips.
  3. All approved drivers must have a valid current driver’s license.
  4. Automatic denial of vehicle use will occur if any one of the following conditions exists:
    1. The driver has six points on their driving record at the time the motor vehicle usage is requested;
    2. Frequency of moving violations and/or at fault accidents:

      3 or more moving violations within last 3 years, 2 or more at fault accidents within last 3 years, Violations and Accidents combined: 1 at fault accident and 1 violation within the last 3 years when not the same incident. Moving violations include: Speeding violations, improper or excessive lane changes, following the vehicle ahead too closely, at fault accidents, running a red light or stop sign, failure to yield, etc. Not at fault accidents, seat belt and failure to register vehicle are not considered moving violations but may be unacceptable.

    3. Violations for any of the following:
      • Criminal Type Violations: Negligent Homicide, Manslaughter, Failure to stop and identify (Hit and Run), Suspended or Revoked License, Drag Racing
      • Operating under the influence within last 5 years
      • Driving while impaired within last 3 years
      • Reckless Driving within last 5 years
      • Careless Driving within last 3 years
      • Assault Involving a motor vehicle
      • Passing a stopped school bus
    4. Driver’s experience – Denial will also occur when someone has:
      • Less than two years licensed driving experience. (Note: Having a learner’s permit does not apply toward this requirement).
      • A reinstated license in effect for less than one year after revocation. Drivers with occupational permits cannot drive or lease a vehicle while on College business.

It is important to note that these requirements apply to all employees and students. Requests for exceptions for employees who are required to operate a College vehicle as part of their job should be referred to the Director of Operations; which will in turn, work with the appropriate director, dean, Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration and/or the Human Resources Department to resolve the situation.

III. Vehicle Restrictions

Where necessary, mini-vans or cars should be used. The use of 15 passenger vans is prohibited. No trailers are to be used by faculty, staff or students unless authorized by the Director of Campus Safety.

IV. Vehicle Use

Vehicle use should only be given for official College business or authorized educational purposes. No individuals shall abuse or misuse a College vehicle. Persons using a Hope vehicle are responsible for safety, careful operation of a College vehicle, and for observing all laws and directives. College vehicles should be used for the purpose for which they are intended (i.e. sedans or vans should be used for, or towing for, off road purposes.) Cell Phones and texting are not permitted to be used by the driver while operating the vehicle. Violations of this aspect will result in possible suspension or termination of College vehicle use.

V. Approval of Sponsored Events Both On and Off College Property

When student events other than those associated with an academic course are planned for students either by a ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ department or a ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ recognized club or organization, an approval process must be followed. This approval process is required for competitions in which clubs or organizations might participate, with the exception of intercollegiate varsity athletic competitions. Transportation for all intercollegiate sporting events will be handled by the Athletic Department. The approval process is coordinated through Student Development. Notification to that office about proposed events should be made in a timely enough manner to permit an approval decision to be rendered prior to publicizing the event to the campus/or public.

VI. Revocation of Authorization to Use College Vehicles

  1. A ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ driver who receives a traffic citation for driving under the influence of liquor or drugs is subject to the revocation or suspension of his or her College driving privileges.
  2. The failure to obey any applicable traffic laws while driving or occupying a vehicle may result in suspension or revocation of their College driving privileges.
  3. Drivers of College owned, leased, rented or loaned vehicles are required to observe all city, county, state and country traffic regulations, and are personally responsible for any citations or fines.
  4. Drivers are required to immediately notify the Campus Safety department and their supervisor if the status of their driver’s license has changed.

VII. Drivers with Out-of-State Driver’s Licenses

Any driver who has an out of state driver’s license and is requesting approval to drive a ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ vehicle must attach a completed certified statement of Driving Record from the state in which they are licensed. This must be done prior to their submission of the Vehicle-Use Agreement. This statement must list any moving violations and describe any accidents they have been involved in during the past three years. This also applies to drivers who have been licensed elsewhere, but have a Michigan driver’s license less than three years. VIII. Driving Hope Vehicles in Other States Authorized drivers who take a College vehicle into another state should be aware that many states require proof of insurance in the event of an accident or traffic violation. The proof of insurance card should be in the glove compartment of the vehicle. Please verify that this certification is with the vehicle before the start of the trip.

IX. International Faculty, Staff and Students

International faculty, staff and students will be required to obtain a Michigan driver’s license or driver’s license from another state in the United States in order to become authorized to drive ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ vehicles. This is required by the College insurance policy in order for ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ to obtain a motor vehicle record (MVR) for the individual driving College vehicles.

X. Use of College Vehicle for College Business

¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ drivers driving vehicles owned or rented by employees of the College on business are covered by Hope’s automobile insurance policy, which includes collision. ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ staff or its employees driving vehicles owned or rented by employees of the College on business are covered by Hope’s automobile insurance policy, which includes collision. When renting a vehicle from a reputable car rental agency all supplemental insurance should be declined.

XI. Passengers in College Vehicles

In general, non-employee and non-agent passengers are not allowed to ride in College-owned vehicles due to the additional liability. Exceptions to this arise when transportation is necessary or convenient for individuals who are dealing directly with, or are involved in, College business. Providing transportation to hitchhikers is prohibited. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the use or occupancy of a College vehicle to provide assistance to any person, or the use or occupancy by private sector mechanics, or repair personnel in the course of performing required maintenance or repairs.

XII. Accident Reporting

The following should occur when a driver is involved in an accident. An accident is defined as any incident in which the vehicle comes in contact with another vehicle, person, object or animal, which results in death, personal injury, property damage, regardless of who was injured or what was damaged, where it occurred or who was responsible.

  1. All accidents shall be reported to the Campus Safety department as soon as possible or no later than 24 hours after the accident (395-7770) – then fill out the Accident Information form (example attached) which can be found in the glove compartment of the vehicle you are driving)
  2. A driver involved in an accident is responsible to report this accident to their immediate supervisor.
  3. The involved driver, if physically able, shall call the police and make a report. The College driver shall also request that all parties and properties concerned remain at the scene of the accident until a law enforcement representative has released them.
  4. Each College driver should refrain from making statements regarding the accident with anyone other than the investigating officer, ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ officials, and Hope’s insurance investigator. Statements shall be confined to factual observations.
  5. Failure of a driver to report any accident may be cause for disciplinary action, up to and including suspension of driving privileges. All accidents will be subject to review by the Safety Committee comprised of the Director of Occupational Health and Fire Safety, Director of Human Resources, Director of Campus Safety, Director of Operations and the Business Manager (and the individuals department head involved in the accident). If the College driver is found to be at fault the department in question will be charged all unrecoverable costs related the accident, including insurance deductibles. The driver at fault could receive penalties up to and including suspension of the privilege of driving College vehicles.