/ Registrar's Office

Understanding Your Class Schedule

Now that you have your schedule for your first semester at Hope, you can learn how to read it, answer any questions you might have and find out how to request a change.

On the first day of class, professors of each of your classes will provide you with a syllabus that will explain course/attendance requirements and what will be expected of you during the semester.

If you want to beat the book-buying rush, you can find out more information on the Bookstore website. The booklist for fall will available there soon. Otherwise, it’s fine to wait until you arrive on campus to buy your books.


Your class schedule can be found in your plus.hope.edu account:

  1. Log in to plus.hope.edu
  2. Go to Registrar and Student Accounts
  3. Click Registration
  4. Click Student Detail Schedule or (Printable) Term Schedule

Each class has a subject, course number and section number (e.g., IDS 100-01). The "-01" indicates the section number.

Everyone is registered for First Year Seminar (IDS 100). You can find your FYS topic by looking at the section number (explained above). You can read descriptions for each section number.

Some classes don't have specific meeting times, like some online/hybrid courses, private music lessons and ensembles. These courses will say TBA for the meeting time. See below under "Course Delivery Methods" for more information about online and hybrid courses. If you're registered for a music pending placement course, see below under "Music Pending Placements" for more details.

Your class schedule lists classroom building locations by code. Building codes are explained on this google sheet and this interactive campus map will help you view your classroom buildings.


Some courses may be conducted online or hybrid. The majority of courses are being offered traditionally face-to-face, with no change in teaching type/delivery method. Your schedule and the Schedule of Courses show the delivery method of each course. Descriptions of each delivery method are listed here. Your syllabus will further explain how these methods will play out in each course.

Credits and time in class

You will notice that some courses are a different number of credits than other courses. Credit differences may be due to the course content, how much work is expected outside of class, and how often/long the course meets. Most 3-credit classes meet three times a week for 50 minutes; you may see some that meet one or two days per week but for a longer period of time. Some classes, such as studio art, dance and labs, meet for longer since a substantial part of the class work is done during that time.

Drills, labs, discussions and non-graded sections

Some classes have additional sections such as a discussion, drill or lab to go along with the lecture. Sometimes these are 0.0 credit, non-graded sections, and sometimes they are an additional 1 or 2 credits. Any of these sections that appear on your schedule are required. They often meet on different days and times from the lecture.

Science labs have a different course number from the lecture, such as Chem 125 (lecture) and Chem 127 (lab), and Engs 100 (lecture) and Engs 100L (lab).

All sections of Health Dynamics (Kin 140) have two components: activity and lecture. If you are taking this class, you will be registered for two sections of Kin 140 and may have different instructors for activity and lecture.

music pENDING placements

You may see a pending placement music course (MUSA or MUSE 0X0) on your schedule if you requested an ensemble or voice or piano lessons. This is put on your schedule until you audition with the Music Department during Orientation weekend or the first week of classes. Your schedule will be adjusted once the department has placed you.

The pending placement courses are:

  • MUSA 010, piano lessons
  • MUSA 020, voice lessons
  • MUSE 010, piano ensemble
  • MUSE 030, choral ensemble
  • MUSE 040, orchestra
  • MUSE 050, string instrument in a chamber ensemble
  • MUSE 060, woodwinds, brass or percussion ensemble
  • MUSE 070, jazz ensemble


Please remember that you will have opportunities to take these classes in future semesters. There are a variety of reasons you may not have received one of the courses you requested, including:

  • Time conflicts. Some classes have limited time options for which they are offered, and you may have requested classes that happen to meet at the same time.
  • Closed sections. You may have asked for a course where we had limited available seats.


You may be registered for a class that was not on your registration survey. We only would have added a course that counts toward an academic major interest or Anchor Plan requirement. More specifically, these reasons include:

  • Academic major interest. If you indicated a particular major that you were interested in but did not request a key course associated with that major, we may have added that course to your schedule. If you listed multiple majors, we did our best to make sure you are only taking classes that will count for all of them, so that you have some flexibility when you later decide what major(s) to declare.
  • Anchor Plan requirements. We may have added a course that fulfills an Anchor Plan requirement (e.g. Arts in Practice, Philosophical Perspectives, etc.) that all students complete at Hope; this was typically done if you did not list very many course options on your registration survey or there were time conflicts or closed sections for some of your other requests.

More information about courses that may be listed on your schedule and what Anchor Plan requirements they count for is listed at the bottom of this page.

Pre-health professions

Most students will be registered for both general biology (BIOL 105/107/107D) and general chemistry (Chem 125/125D/127) if their pre-health track recommended it. Occasionally based on high school GPA and ACT/SAT scores, we registered some students for either general biology or general chemistry, but not both. We have found that some students do better on the pre-health track when they take just one of the general science courses at a time. We want to help you make sure your first semester is successful. You will be able to take the other science class in your second year at Hope, though you can also contact us if you strongly prefer to be placed in both but were placed in one.


Hope's campus is small, so the 10-minute passing time between classes is typically enough to travel between buildings.

We tried our best to make sure you have some open time during the lunch hour. However, some classes are only offered during this time.


If you are an athlete and your sport's primary season is in the fall, we did our best to make sure your classes end by 3:30 p.m., especially on the days your sport has games or matches. Sometimes, this was not possible due to the availability of your courses of interest. For example, there are more athletes who are pre-health or biology majors than there are available spaces in chemistry and biology labs that end before 3:30 p.m. Therefore, you may have a lab or discussion during this time â€” this is okay! Coaches and the Athletic Department are aware that this may happen and will work with you. Your course work is their top priority.



We registered you for the appropriate level based on the AP/IB scores we have received for you to date. If you know you scored high enough to be awarded Hope credit (see the credit we award for AP and IB), but don't see the credit on your unofficial transcript, that probably means we have not received your scores. You will need to contact the College Board (for AP) or International Baccalaureate to request they send us your scores.


The Department of World Languages and Cultures is usually accurate in their language placements. More information about the placement process can be found here.

If you have concerns about your placement after the semester begins, let your professor know. The professor will work with you to decide whether you should stay in your current level or move to a different level.

Space in Spanish I classes is limited, so if you decide to change to level 1, you may need to wait until the spring to take the class.

Math and science

We tried to place you in the most appropriate math or science level based on many factors: AP/IB/transfer credit earned or expected (see above), ACT/SAT scores, classes taken in high school and major interest. In the first week of the semester, if you feel you are not placed in the right level course, speak with the professor. They will work with you as much as possible to make sure you have the right placement.

Additionally, the Academic Success Center offers tutoring and group study sessions in the natural and applied sciences, as well as other subjects.


If you have decided you would like to pursue a different major, or you are registered for a class you absolutely do not want to take, we can try to make schedule changes. We advise making these changes now, before you get to campus, so you’re more settled prior to your arrival.

If you want to pursue a different major than what you listed on your survey, check the first-year major recommendations page to see what is recommended for your new major interest. A change of direction may not mean that you need to change your class schedule; many classes will meet requirements for Anchor Plan and majors. However, if the major recommendations page indicates there are classes that are required in the first semester for your new major interest, we need to try to change your schedule so that you stay on track.

We can’t guarantee that a schedule change you want to make will be available, but we are happy to discuss options with you. Any schedule change request must come directly from you, the student, through your Hope email account by emailing firstyearreg@hope.edu. We will get back to you in 1–2 business days via email, or we’ll call you if we need to discuss options in detail.

We only registered you for classes that fulfill major or Anchor Plan requirements for you. If a class you didn't request is listed on your schedule, see below for information about which Anchor Plan requirement it fulfills or helps fulfill. A full list of your intended major's requirements can be found in the ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ Catalog.

Specific details about each Anchor Plan requirement can be found here.

Art 105, 113, 114, 115, 116, or 117 Arts in Practice (ART)
Art 111 or 242 Human Creative Perspectives (HCP)
Biol 103/103L Natural Science with Lab (NSL)
Biol 105/107/107D or Biol 105/207 Natural Science with Lab (NSL)
Chem 125/125D/127 or Chem 125/125D/122 Natural Science with Lab (NSL)
Chem 131/131D/132 Natural Science with Lab (NSL)
Chem 221/221D and 255/255D Natural Science with Lab (NSL)
Chin 201 or 301 Second Level Global Language (GL2)
Comm 101 or 151 Social Sciences (SS)
Csci 112 Math or Natural Science (MNS)
Csci 115 Math or Natural Science (MNS)
Csci 125 Natural Science with Lab (NSL)
Dan 112, 116, 120, 140, 150, 162, 204, or 267 Arts in Practice (ART)
Econ 211 Social Sciences (SS)
Educ 200/201 Social Sciences (SS)
Engl 110, 130 or 230 Human Creative Perspectives (HCP)
Engl 113 Expository Writing (EW)
Engl 153 Arts in Practice (ART)
Engs 100/100L
Natural Science with Lab (NSL)
Fren 102, 201 or 250 Second Level Global Language (GL2)
Gems 100
Math or Natural Science (MNS)
Gems 161/161L
Natural Science with Lab (NSL)
Gems 295/295L
Natural Science with Lab (NSL)
Germ 102 or 201 Second Level Global Language (GL2)
Ges 125
Natural Science with Lab (NSL)
Ges 295/295L
Natural Science with Lab (NSL)
Hist 120, 121, 130, 131, 160, or 295 Historical Perspectives (HST)
Ids 100 First Year Seminar (FYS)
Japn 201 Second Level Global Language (GL2)
Kin 140 Health Dynamics (HD)
Kin 200/200L
Natural Science with Lab (NSL)
Latn 271 Second Level Global Language (GL2)
Math – any Mathematics (MA)
Mus 101 Historical Perspectives (HST)
Mus 104 or 105 Human Creative Perspectives (HCP)
Mus 192 or 194
Arts in Practice (ART)
Musa 161–181 Arts in Practice (ART)
Muse 115–160 (must be taken for credit) Arts in Practice (ART)
Phil 115 Philosophical Perspectives (PHL)
Phys 121/141 Natural Science with Lab (NSL)
Pol 100, 151 or 242 Social Sciences (SS)
Psy 100 Social Sciences (SS)
Rel 120–195 Religion 100-Level (RL1)
Rel 223 or 281 Religion 200-Level (RL2)
Soc 101 or 151 Social Sciences (SS)
Span 122, 250 or 340 Second Level Global Language (GL2)
Span 350 Historical Perspectives (HST)
Span 362 or 364 Human Creative Perspectives (HCP)
Thea 101 Human Creative Perspectives (HCP)
Thea 110 or 205 Arts in Practice (ART)
Wgs 130 Philosophical Perspectives (PHL)