/ Education Department

Apply to student teach

In order to student teach, you must apply for and receive permission from the Department of Education. 

You will be considered and approved for student teaching if you meet specific criteria and complete the application process.

Apply to student teach 

Deadlines for application

  • First Friday in November of Junior year for students wishing to student teach during the Fall semester of the Senior year.
  • First Friday in March of Junior year for students wishing to student teach during the Spring semester of the Senior year.
  • For graduates and transfers, application to student teach should be completed no later than the end of the first semester on-campus.

Students applying after these deadlines have no assurance that their applications will be considered and approved for student teaching during the requested semester. Extension of the professional education sequence may be necessary.


The following criteria must be met by the time the student teaching experience begins. Some items may be in process, however, when the student applies for permission to student teach.

  1. Acceptance to the Teacher Education Program at ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ.
  2. Minimum GPA of 2.75 (3.0 for students requesting placements outside West Michigan) on a 4.0 scale in:
    • Overall coursework at ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ
    • Coursework in major area of study
    • Coursework in minor area of study
    • Teacher Education coursework

This means that students must have the required GPAs in order to be approved. Approval will be withdrawn if any of the GPA’s fall below a 2.75 before the student teaching experience begins (approved by education faculty on August 19, 2003). 

  1. Successful completion of all coursework in the Professional Education Sequence.
  2. Successful completion of at least 90% of required coursework in both the major and minor areas of study prior to the start of the student teaching experience (approved by education faculty on August 25, 2015).
  3. Evidence of ability to work effectively in the classroom as demonstrated in field experiences in professional education coursework.
  4. Recommendation to student teach from clinical experience supervisors from Level II education course work.
  5. Evidence of diverse clinical experience experiences (a placement with a 20% or more racial/ethnic classroom population and a placement with a 20% or more low socio-economic classroom population) and a clinical experience that includes students with exceptional needs (students with disabilities and/or giftedness).
  6. Endorsement from the department chairperson in major field of study.
  7. Evidence of grades of C+ or higher in all Level II and Level III education coursework.


Students will be notified by e-mail of a meeting regarding the application process.

  1. A Student Teaching Application must be electronically submitted on-line by the stated deadline.
  2. The education department will request an endorsement from the chairperson of the department of the major field of study.
  3. Requests for special off-campus student teaching placements must be approved in advance by the education department. A 3.0 GPA for overall, major, minor and teacher education course work is required (Note: off-campus options are significantly limited during the Spring Semester).
    1. Chicago Semester (separate application required)
    2. Rosebud Indian Reservation
    3. Philadelphia Semester
    4. Interaction International-CCTECC 
  4. Students typically may not student teach in a school district where they previously attended, with the exception of some possible placements at the elementary level.
  5. Students will be asked to interview with school personnel (administrator, cooperating teacher) prior to confirming the placement.
  6. Once a placement is confirmed, changes will not be made, unless deemed necessary by the Director of Student Teaching.


  1. Responsibility for smooth matriculation from admission to certification rests with the student. The student is responsible for reading the Education Department Handbook and following procedures and deadlines outlined therein.
  2. While effort is made to assist the student, the department is not responsible for transportation to and from student teaching placements. A fee will be charged to student teachers that request placements that are an excessive distance from the college.


Based on the above criteria and procedures, the education department carefully considers applications to student teach. Each student will be notified in writing of the department’s decision to approve or deny the application.


Students who have been denied permission to student teach may appeal the decision. Procedures are outlined in the Appeals Process section of the website.