/ Center for Global Engagement

Faculty Exchange at Meiji Gakuin University

The academic relationship between ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ and Meiji Gakuin University is rooted in the early years of ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ.

Beginning in 1963 and gaining solid traction in 1980, the exchange of students and faculty has brought educational enrichment to Hope’s international program.  

¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ faculty members may apply to become exchange professors for one semester at Meiji Gakuin University, one of our Global Partner Institutions in Japan. An exchange professor teaches two courses in English, at either or both the Yokohama or Shirokane (Tokyo) campuses of Meiji Gakuin University. The exchange professor will continue to receive their normal salary from ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ during their semester teaching in Japan. Housing and a transportation stipend will be provided by Meiji Gakuin University.

The exchange semester is a great sabbatical option though it does not need to take place during a faculty member’s sabbatical, as long as permission is granted from the dean and provost.

Meiji Gakuin University

Meiji Gakuin University is a Christian university with two campuses in Shirokane (Tokyo) and Yokohama, offering undergraduate and graduate programs. Meiji Gakuin University traces its origins to the Hepburn School, which was established in the closing days of the Edo era in 1863. Total enrollment is just over 12,000.

Meiji Gakuin University’s Academic Calendar

Japanese universities typically begin in April and end in March of the following year.

  • Spring Semester: Early April–end of July
  • Summer Break: August–mid September
  • Fall Semester: Mid September–end of January (graduation ceremony in March)

Expectations & Responsibilities

Duration of Exchange

  • One semester (fall or spring)

Coursework and Syllabi

  • Teach two courses — one course in American studies/liberal arts and another course in your area of research/expertise. Each course is 90 minutes per week (a total of three hours per week in the classroom) at Meiji Gakuin University. 
  • The selected Hope exchange professor must provide course descriptions to MGU by mid-December for the next fall or by mid-August for the following spring. MGU will decide appropriate department placement.
  • The selected Hope exchange professor must provide course syllabi to MGU Academic Affairs Office by mid February, prior to the fall semester of the same calendar year, because MGU announces course information to students by mid March.


  • The selected exchange faculty member will continue receiving their normal salary and benefits from ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ.
  • Housing is provided by Meiji Gakuin University.
  • 10,000 Yen a month for four months provided by Meiji Gakuin University to cover transportation and other expenses.

Health Insurance

  • The Hope professor must ensure that their U.S. health insurance policy covers them and any accompanying family members during their stay in Japan.
  • The Hope professor will also be responsible for purchasing additional insurance through the National Health Insurance in Japan. The staff of the International Center at Meiji Gakuin University will assist with this process.

Application Process & Deadlines

Faculty interested in applying should submit their CV and the completed application form to the senior director of the Center for Global Engagement. Proposals must include: a current CV, an articulated preferred semester, and proposed titles and descriptions of courses you hope to teach at Meiji Gakuin University. 


  • Approval process will be completed by the fall semester of the prior school year, regardless of the exchange semester (fall or spring). For example, in August 2024, ¿ìè¶ÌÊÓƵ will inform MGU of the exchange candidates for Spring Semester 2025 (early April to end of July) and Fall Semester 2025 (middle of September to end of January).
  • The Hope faculty member must receive permission from their chair and dean one year in advance.
  • Hope notifies MGU in mid-November of the selected faculty member and provides the required MGU documents.
  • One faculty member per academic year (either fall or spring semester; if fall semester, faculty can make arrangements with MGU to return to the US in mid-December with the stipulation that they provide sufficient assignments and/or online courses for students to complete the course per MGU requirements)

Additional information can be found in the Meiji Gakuin University Exchange Professor Guidebook.

If Hope faculty are interested in exchanges at any of our other global partner institutions, please check out their websites and contact the senior director of the Center for Global Engagement for more details.